
Could the Limp Be Gone?!? [4.5 Weeks Post-Op]

I've had my set-backs in recovery, and in my last blog at 4 weeks post-op I talked about my continued pain when attempting to walk, and how it's likely due to a case of tendonitis. This pain was forcing me to limp, even when I really focused on evening out my stride.

While I'm still at PT 3 times per week, we've been taking it easy for about a week and a half, doing ultrasound in the area of my patellar tendon and locally icing directly on the skin. I knew patience (and a positive attitude!) would be a must as I overcame this hurdle.

I must say I'm having a bit of writer's block to describe just how I've come to ask myself... Could the limp really be gone? It comes down to this- up through this morning (I think!), I still couldn't seem to stop favoring my surgical leg. However, this afternoon I was on the phone and decided to take a short walk down the street and back. I was walking with control, but the pain was minimal if anything, and I realized I could walk normally!

Perhaps it helps that I was just doing PT at home and stretching. Or maybe it's that I was distracted with conversation. But this little triumph had me excited, so I had to share!

Meanwhile tomorrow is my 5 week follow-up with Dr. Shapiro. I'm looking forward to getting his opinion on my progress, and moving on from here!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Summer!

    I hope you've kicked the limp for good this time! As of this morning's PT visit, I am off the crutch again and hopefully won't need to get back on it. I definitely notice that my quad is less wobbly, so I am hoping this is it for me!

    BTW, I popped a Vicodin before PT today. This was my first time taking a pain killer before PT. Anyway, I had A LOT of pain when he bent my knee. I am up to 130 degrees, but I don't want to know what it would have felt like without the Vicodin - LOL! This continues to be the most painful part of PT for me...and he says I need to touch my heel to my tush before he will stop - ahhhh!

    Anyway, have a great week and good luck at your dr. appt. today!


