
Swinging Clubs and Passing the Torch... [21 Wks Post-Op]

An update to share- just a few days ago I hit the driving range and followed up the next day with my first 'official' round of golf! I am happy to report that my knee felt fantastic and the only discomfort the following day or two was the usual- my shoulder from swinging the clubs for the first time in months! Thanks to Eric, Jordan and Katy for your patience and getting me back out there!

On another note: Today was my friend Wendy's ACL surgery... So, for her I have this...

I know there will be setbacks along the way that will make the word 'discouraged' seem like it's not strong enough to describe how you're feeling. You'll get upset over the smallest tasks that you'll be forced to learn all over again, but you will also get excited as you overcome those very same challenges. As the days and weeks pass, the pain (and, even the memory of the most painful moments) will subside and will be replaced by excitement about the little things -- which you will soon be taking for granted all over again! So, enjoy the ACL journey, because I've got my fingers crossed that this is the only time either of us will ever have to go through this!! ;)

1 comment:

  1. I am so jealous! I've been tempted to take out my golf clubs but haven't gotten around to it.
